Puppy Progress at Foster Care

Friday, May 13, 2005

Scary but Funny

Last night there was a riot going on in my house. I was at the computer when I heard all of the dogs howling, and one dog freaking out and wailing. So I went down to check out what was happening. I suspected that one of my big dogs trapped one of the puppies under their heavy bodies but I was wrong...it was much worse. See, in our house we have gates with grills. And these grills are big enough for heads, paws and small bodies to pass through. I don't know what Constantine was trying to attempt but his body was dangling from the gate and his other head on the other side. I couldn't get him out cause he was freaking out so I was afraid I had to tear down the grill. Good thing my yaya already saw Constantine doing it so she knows that Constantine's head can fit through. My guard held Constantine's body while we tilted him sideways and that's when his head popped out.
It was quite an ordeal cause Constantine was freaking out like anything. Bo seemed worried and kept coming up to us to check on Constantine and everytime Constantine would wail, Bo would bark loudly as if saying, "Help my brother!" Now Constantine learned another valuable lesson. Do not stick your head in things. From them on, he refuses to approach that area of the house where he was stuck in.

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Hanging out in my Room

One hot summer day, Bo and Constantine decided to watch TV in my room...voila!

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Image hosted by Photobucket.comConstantine

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* about.

All about the life of two puppies at Foster Care. Help me think of a name for them! Tell your friends all about them! Adopt them!

We've already been adopted! yey!

Adopt our friends! Call the PAWS shelter at 4751688.

- For Inquiries on the Puppies
Follow this link to fill up adoption form - Adoption Application
Bring this app with you to the PAWS/PARC Shelter located at Aurora Boulevard corner Marcos Hi-way, Loyola Heights, Quezon City (behind Ateneo).
Mail me for directions.

* blog archive

March 2005 April 2005 May 2005 June 2005 July 2005 August 2005 September 2005 October 2005 November 2005 December 2005 January 2006 February 2006 March 2006 May 2006 November 2006 September 2007 February 2008 June 2008

Links .

- Dogster for Constantine

-Dogster for Bo

- Yahoo Photos


Thanks to

- blogger
- blogskins.com
- serendipityq.com

Time for A Walk: Round the Village
