Wednesday, August 03, 2005
Feisty ConstantineConstantine's potential adoptive mother dropped by the house just a while ago. She was supposed to bring home Cons already but we decided it wasn't the best time for her to bring him home. She needed for him to get used to her first.
He was pleasant at first cause he saw that she had food...aba, vienna sausage pa. And he ate ALL of it, without any care in the world. After that, we placed doggie food on her hand and Cons ate off her hand. But still after all the food was gone, he would still bark at her though Cons would already lie down in front of her. He didn't allow her to be carried by her...that'll change when Cons gets to know her. Sometimes he won't even let me carry him. Too bad Cons is not as easy to take care of as Bo. So knowing this, whoever wants to adopt Cons, must know that it's a real commitment, but it's sure worth it when you have Cons at your home.
Here's Cons wearing someone's underwear. haha!
It just takes time for them to warm up to strangers :) At first, Bo was like that with me as well. He would always bark at me unless I had food haha but now, he always follows me around the house, wags his tail when he sees me and kisses me too! :) by the way, bo jumped through the hula hoop today! yey! :D
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